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Blind Folded Deck

Effect: The card magician puts a deck of cards under a handkerchief. The spectator cuts the deck.
The magician then pulls the bottom part of the deck out and names the top card without looking at it.

You Need: A deck of cards, a handkerchief

What You Do: Before you perform the card trick, look at the top card. When you put the deck of cards under
the handkerchief (face down), turn the deck around under the handkerchief (face up). Then have the spectator
cut the deck. Turn the part of the deck of cards that you are holding over, then take it out, name the
card and the trick is done.



Coin Optical Illusion

Effect : A magician has two coins in his hand but when he starts to rub them, it looks like a third is appearing
and when he opens his hand there are now three coins.

Performance : Hold two coins flat on top of each other between your thumb and forefinger, sideways to the
audience. Say you will make an extra coin by rubbing them together. Rub the coins quickly backwards and
forwards against each other. It looks as if there are three coins, not two. It is almost certain that a spectator will
mention that this is only an optical illusion. Now is the time to close your fist and re open it showing the three coins

Method : You need a hidden coin in a classic palm position. ( That is when a coin is squeezed between the fleshly
base of your thumb and palm, hidden from view).
This trick needs practise to get the rubbing of the coins to look that a third one is appearing, once you got it, it looks
very effective.

Cup Levitation

Effect: The magician announces that they are going to make an empty cup float. They release their grip on the cup
and it appears to float in mid air.

Method: Take an empty large paper or styrofoam cup. Carefully make a hole in one side of the empty cup, big enough
for your thumb to stick through. If the empty cup is made of styrofoam,  you could even push your thumb straight through it.
Hold the empty cup with both your hands and facing the others in your party, announce that you are going to try and make
the cup float in mid air. Have one thumb pushed through the nearest side of the cup to you, out of view of your audience.
Then, appear to be concentrating your mind on the cup and gradually open up both hands at the same time. While doing
this, push your hands slightly forward as if you are following the floating cup and eventually grab the cup with both hands.
Now, discreetly slip your thumb out from the side of the cup.
This is a simple illusion but it looks great when done at the right angle. Practice in front of a mirror to make sure that you
get the angles and the timing right.

The Magic Cloak - Jacket Levitation


Effect: The magician takes off his dinner jacket and lays it down by his feet. As he pulls the jacket up, his two feet rise
with it, both visibly off of the ground!!!

Preparation: Get a jacket and a strong bulldog clip from the office store. You should be wearing dress shoes if you
are wearing a dinner jacket. Clip the bulldog clip to the side of one of your shoes (inner side) One shoe should be
loosely tied so that you can easily slip in and out of it.

Method: Take off your jacket and turn it back to the audience and pretend to straighten the bottom, but secretly "clip"
your two shoes together and casually step out of one, placing your socked foot behind your two shoes. Raise
yourself up on the socked foot and lift the two shoes together, never pulling the jacket higher than the tops of the shoes.
Come "crashing" down and put your foot straight back into your shoe. Remove the clip and take a bow.

Watch the angles on this one, practice on a friend or in a mirror until you are experienced with the best angles and
distances to perform this trick